Originally published in 1971, this title describes a series of studies dealing with the upbringing of children in residential institutions. Most work has been carried out in institutions for children with learning disabilities, although units caring for able but deprived children and children with physical disabilities have also been examined. The investigations have been concerned with the detailed nature of different institutional environments – that is, the routine patterns of daily life in hospital wards, hostels and cottages of children’s homes – rather than with the effects of specific child-rearing practices upon the intellectual, emotional and social development of the children. The more precise delineation of ‘the environment’ is an essential step towards the evaluation of residential services and the interpretation of their effects upon those who use them, yet this is an area which had received little systematic attention from social scientists at the time.

This book is a re-issue originally published in 1971. The language used is a reflection of its era and no offence is meant by the Publishers to any reader by this re-publication.

part One|47 pages

Background to the studies

chapter 1|5 pages


chapter 2|17 pages

Children in residential care

chapter 4|13 pages

The sociology of residential institutions

part Two|70 pages

Varieties of residential care: Field studies

chapter 5|18 pages

Four large institutions

chapter 7|19 pages

Patterns of care

part Three|70 pages

Some determinants of care: A survey

part Four|16 pages


chapter 15|14 pages

Summary and conclusions