We have an imperative, as never before, to change our ways. Climate change is presenting the entire human race with its greatest ever existential challenge. Like many I feel a growing sense of looming disaster. Yes, we are making some progress, but past agreements are not delivering. In this book I put a case for a new form of principled capitalism based on moral principles rather than utility and profit. I propose ten pillars that include systems thinking as citizens of the world and embracing Modern Monetary theory to guide decisions about macroeconomics and national debt.

part 1|86 pages


chapter Chapter 1|31 pages

Be Careful What You Think

Because Your Thoughts Run Your Life (Proverbs 4:23: ICB version)

chapter Chapter 2|35 pages

Models are Cool—There is no Getting Around It

The Wise Doubt—Judge to Make the Complex Simple and not the Simple Complex

chapter Chapter 3|16 pages

Rational People are Irrational

Nothing is Perfect—Excellence is Purposeful Progress through Learning

part 2|43 pages


chapter Chapter 4|29 pages

Knowing the Price but not the Value

chapter Chapter 5|10 pages

Sorting the Wheat from the Chaff

part 3|72 pages


chapter Chapter 6|29 pages

Gimme Money

chapter Chapter 7|41 pages

Is the Genie Already Out of the Bottle

Emerging as an Increasing Number of Extreme Weather Events