Henry James’ Travel: Fiction and Non-Fiction offers a multifaceted approach to Henry James’ idea and practice of travel from the perspective of the globalized world today. Each chapter addresses a different selection of James’ fiction and non-fiction and offers a different approach towards the ideas that are still with us today: history reflected in art and architecture, the tourist gaze, museum culture, transnationalism, and the return home. As a whole, the book encompasses both early and late fiction and non-fiction by Henry James, giving the reader a sense of how his idea of travel evolved over several decades of his creative activity and shows how thin the line between fiction and non-fiction travel writing really is.

chapter |9 pages

Introduction 1

chapter 2|17 pages

The sentimental tourist in rural France

Henry James’s pictures of history in A Little Tour in France (1884, 1900)

chapter 5|19 pages

Travelling curios in a playful spirit

Henry James’s American museum 1

chapter 6|11 pages

Back in “the terrible city”

Henry James and his characters in search of the past and a less polarized future