Originally published in 1979, written at a time when the world stood on the brink of (another) energy crisis, this book argued that an alternative primary fuel had to be found and that the answer lay in the exploitation of nuclear fission. The book sought to dispel the anxieties of environmentalists by correcting what the authors felt were basic misconceptions about nuclear energy. The book distinguishes carefully between nuclear energy and nuclear explosions, as the authors believed that it was the confusion between these two very different things which lies at the root of most opposition to nuclear energy. The Relevant facts concerning nuclear energy are presented in a straightforward way and the case made that nuclear energy can be clean and safe. The book includes a discussion of the storage of nuclear waste and the safety record of the nuclear industry.

chapter 1|2 pages

The ultimate price of an energy collapse

chapter 2|5 pages

Desecration of the environment

chapter 4|4 pages

Death sentences

chapter 5|4 pages


chapter 6|5 pages

How damaging is radioactivity?

chapter 7|5 pages

Nuclear accidents

chapter 8|5 pages

The day the dam broke

chapter 9|9 pages

How stands solar?

chapter 10|3 pages

Natural gas

chapter 11|8 pages


chapter 12|5 pages

Storing one's own nuclear waste

chapter 13|4 pages

A nuclear accident in the U.S.S.R.?

chapter 15|6 pages

Who is doing the proliferating?

chapter 16|10 pages

It has all happened before