Originally published in 1987 and now reissued with a substantial introduction by Robin Cohen, this wide-ranging work of comparative and historical sociology argues that a major engine of capital’s growth lies in its ability to find successive cohorts of quasi-free workers to deploy in the farms, mines and factories of an expanding international division of labour. These workers, like the helots of ancient Greece, are found at the periphery of ‘regional political economies’ or in the form of modern migrants, sucked into the vortex of metropolitan service or manufacturing industry. The regions of Southern Africa; the USA and the circum-Caribbean; European and its colonial and southern hinterlands, are systematically compared – yielding original and, in some cases, uncomfortable analogies between countries previously thought to be wholly different in terms of their political structures and guiding values. The New Helots has been written with both an undergraduate and professional readership in mind. Students of history, sociology and economics as well as those interested in patterns of migration and ethnic relations will find it of interest.

chapter |7 pages

From New Helots to a Global Precariat

An Introduction to the Routledge Revivals edition, 2023

chapter 1|22 pages

Unfree labourers and modern migrants

chapter 2|28 pages

Theories of migration

The US and its labour reservoirs

chapter 3|27 pages

The reproduction of labour power

Southern Africa

chapter 4|24 pages

The functions of migrant labour


chapter 5|24 pages

Policing the frontiers

Regulating the supplies of migrant labour

chapter 6|29 pages

Habituation and resistance

The experience of migrant workers

chapter 7|24 pages

The ‘new’ international division of labour

Plus ça change

chapter |2 pages

Further reading