Although helping and healing are serious businesses in our culture, shamans have great reverence for play. They are irreverent pranksters and sacred clowns.

Because it would be grossly incongruent to tell you about this idea, we would like to show you instead. We would like you to imagine that we have the power to hypnotize you through the words on this page and through the voice you can hear reading them in your head. Pretend that this trance state is so powerful, you have the experience of being able to play with chronological time. Rather than being in the middle of this book, imagine that you have already completed it. You have read the ideas carefully and have taken them into your heart in such a way that they feel part of you. This would be similar to having just attended a 3-day workshop on the applications of shamanism to helping and healing, and we are now in the final few minutes of the program.