Mervyn Hartwig is correct in his initial description of certain of the substantive aims and argument of my Against the Spiritual Turn (AST ), although much is left out. 1 His review raises one interesting and I would say valid point of critique. I do tend to fuse Bhaskar’s transcendental dialectical critical realism (TDCR) of From East to West (FEW ) and the philosophy of metaReality (PMR) into a single unit and this can be problematic. The positive aspects of Hartwig’s description and critique are, however, accomplished in a handful of paragraphs. Unfortunately, the remainder of his essay serves largely to obscure the arguments of my book, and the methods by which I attempt to establish them. This obfuscation is characteristic of Hartwig’s ‘putting the record straight’ style of debate. In substitution for sustained analysis there is a tendency to rely on appeals to authority and a handful of choice quotations. 2 Assorted pejorative ‘-isms’ are applied and various rhetorical asides begun but not developed. I would suggest that this is an overly defensive response to views which Hartwig experiences as a radical challenge to his own and that of a Bhaskarian faith orthodoxy. I hope my reply will have more in the way of substantive content.