An eye stares at us in extreme close-up. The camera zooms out and we see Lara Croft hanging upside-down on a rope. Somersaulting, she jumps onto the ground of what mostly looks like the ruins of an Egyptian temple. Silence. We see beams of sunlight shining between the pillars and grave tombs. Dust dances in the sun. Lara looks warily around. Then the stone next to her violently splits open and the fight begins. For minutes, Lara runs, jumps, and dives in an incredible feat of acrobatics. Pillars

topple over, tombs burst open. She draws pistols and shoots and shoots and shoots. Her opponent, a robot, appears to be defeated. The camera slides along Lara’s magnificently-formed body and zooms in on her breasts, her legs, and her bottom. She falls to the ground and, lying down, fires all her bullets at the robot. Then she grabs his ‘arms’ and pushes the rotating discs into his ‘head’. She jumps up onto him, hacking him to pieces. Lara disappears from the monitor on the robot, while the screen turns black. Lara pants and grins triumphantly. She has won.