In subject-matter their distribution is of some interest. Less than ten of the entries have anything to do with Ethics; elaborations of points in the theories of Time and Sense-perception are very numerous; but nearly half

the entries are discussions of issues well inside the field of Logical Theory, and of these a score, all belonging to the last decade of the notebooks, are investigations of the notion or notions of if . . ., then. The entries will be interesting, though not often exciting, to researchers into Moore’s philosophy, as well as to philosophers and logicians tackling tool-shop problems continuous with Moore’s. They will not, unless for occasional essays, be of much use to students, who should consume their Moore, with their other philosophers, in large mouthfuls. To readers whose interests are limited to the personalities of philosophers Moore’s Commonplace Book, 1919-1953 will have no appeal at all. Moore is working, not conversing.