A discipline is a branch of learning or instruction. Synonyms for the word ‘discipline’ include domain, field, profession, regime, subject and trade; implying a certain uniqueness or specialism. Within the AEC sector there is a wide range of established specialisms, or disciplines, which are represented by professional bodies and trade organisations. Examples of professionals are architects, engineers and surveyors; examples of tradespeople being electricians, plumbers and masons. Whatever our chosen discipline, as individuals we undertake a programme of education and/or training that is accredited by a professional institution or trade body and designed to develop subjectspecific knowledge. It is through learning and training that we are exposed to unique ways of doing things, unique ways of communicating, unique ways of behaving; all of which encompass the values of our chosen discipline. Once we have successfully completed our education and/or training a final examination and interview is required to ensure that we can demonstrate the necessary knowledge to complete our rites of passage and become a member of our chosen discipline. Once we are accepted into a profession or trade our disciplinary values are further developed and reinforced through working on projects and engaging in lifelong learning activities. Taking a random sample of a profession we would expect to find differences in interests, skills, experience and knowledge gained from working on projects, but a reassuring consistency in terms of educational, professional and disciplinary values. Although we need to be careful in resorting to stereotypes, we should have a reasonable idea of what an architect, engineer or surveyor can add to a project.