Pupils with fragile X can present undesirable behaviour, influenced by a variety of factors. They may exhibit behaviour that can be attributed to the condition of fragile X: overactivity, distractibility, short attention span, mimicry, hand-flapping, hand biting, rocking, behaviour related to anxiety. Overactivity: Allow the pupil opportunities to move around by doing jobs in class at regular intervals, e.g. sharpening pencils or going to another part of the school to take a message. Distractibility, short attention span: Extend concentration time put in Individual Education Plan (IEP) targets. Mimicry: Avoid seating near pupils with behavioural problems; place near pupils who are good role models, to capitalise on imitation skills. Addressing problems in a general manner are positive behavioural management may be implemented, Care should be taken to ensure that praise is low key. The awarding of merits and house points in assembly could be embarrassing to the pupil and should be dealt with in a sensitive manner.