Pupils with fragile X often have delayed language development. Girls may have good verbal skills, but have difficulties with pragmatic speech; their social interaction may be further hampered by shyness and anxiety. Boys may have limited social interaction skills: difficulties using verbal skills in social situations. Verbal: perseverative speech repeating the same sentence/question over and over again. Non-verbal: Dysarthria difficulties with articulation: pronunciation of single words/phrases may be clear, but there is less clarity in longer sentences caused by difficulties moving the muscles co-ordinating speech. Adult intervention: Formal assessment by the speech and language therapist (SALT), if appropriate. Support spoken language with visual cues, e.g. gestures, signs and pictures, PECs or Makaton and match language level to pupil's communication. Encourage the interpretation of nonverbal language, facial expression, body language. Adult Activities: Visual timetable to support understanding of the routine of the day. Commercial equipment: Expressive Language Chatter Box (LDA), Repeat the instruction giving visual support.