Obverse Hadrianus Aug(ustus) Cos (Consul) III (times, i.e. AD 134-8) P(ater) P(atriae)

(Father of his Country) Reverse Adventui Aug(usti) Britanniae (For the arrival of the Emperor in Britain).

S(enatus) C(onsulto) (By decree of the Senate)

Obverse As 120

Reverse Exer(citus) Britanni(cus) (British Army) S(enatus) C(onsulto) (By decree of the Senate)

Obverse As 120

Reverse Britannia S(enatus) C(onsulto) (By decree of the Senate)

Son of all the [deified emperors, the Emperor Caesar Trajan] Hadr[ian Augustus], after the necessity of [kee]ping [the empire within its limits had been laid on him] by [div]ine co[mmand] [ … ] thrice Consul [ … ] once [the barbarians] had been scattered [and] the province of Britain [recovered], ad[ded a frontier between] either [shore of] O[cean for 80 miles]. The army [of the] pr[ovince built the wall] under the direction [of Aulus Platorius Nepos, Pro-Praetorian Legate of Augustus.]

For the Emperor Caesar Trajan Hadrian Augustus a detachment of the British F[leet] (built this) under Aulus Platorius N[epos], Pro-P[raetorian L]egate of Augustus.2

The century of Julius Proculus (built this).