If you are recalled (called back) for a part, it means that you are one step closer to getting the job and it is a great boost for your confidence. It reassures you that not only did you do well in the first round and were liked enough to merit another look but you also have potential to play the part or parts concerned. While your confidence may be boosted, you may feel under more pressure to do well. Strange though it may sound, some people do brilliantly at first-round auditions, and then go to pieces when recalled. Who knows why this should be, and it doesn’t happen to everyone by any means, but what should you do if this happens to you at any point? First, remember that your chances are phenomenally increased, and the audition panel are now willing you to get the job more than ever. You are obviously right for the part and could play it – the job could even be yours already, but they just need reassurance, perhaps other creatives or production staff who may not have been at the first-round auditions need to meet you before a final decision can be made, or they want to see how well you pair up, or match with the other cast members they have in mind.