Estimated population 1992: 102.1 million; Land area: 911,000 km2; Ecological zones: coastal mangroves, tropical forest strip, open woodland and savannah plains, bordering on the Sahara Desert; Climate: two rainy seasons in coastal areas, dry season in the north, October-April; Annual rainfall: 4,000 mm in the south and 750 mm in the north; Forest and woodland area: 113,000 km2; GNP per capita: US$330; Main industries: agriculture, oil and gas production, mining; ODA received per capita: US$2.00; Population growth rate (1992–2000): 2.9 per cent; Life expectancy at birth: 50.4 years; Adult literacy rate: 52.5 per cent; Access to safe water: 36 per cent; Access to health services: 66 per cent; Access to sanitation: 35 per cent