In the previous chapter, I argued that Being-in-the-world (or dwelling, according to Heidegger’s later re-formulation) is spatial in character. This spatiality is constituted in and through that which expresses the fact that we are dwellers: building. Buildings, as that which expresses our Being-in-the-world as dwellers (rather than being a means towards the end of that dwelling), constitute our world as a series of locales that comprise spatial networks of reference and directionality. Moreover, according to Heidegger, the buildings that constitute such locales are inherently public. That is to say, the world does not appear subjectively for a single Dasein. Rather, the world in which we dwell is constituted through things that are, in principle, available to all those that have the character of Dasein. Thus the spatiality established in locales is, in principle, open to sharing with others that have the character of Dasein.