ABBASI, Professor Dr Shahid Abbas. Environmental engineering, aquatic ecology, and alternative energy systems. Centre Director. B.6 June 1950, Khilchipur, India. Indian. M.Naseema (envl systems specialist): 3 d. Education: lIT PhD 1975, advanced training in Japan 1983, Cochin U.of Sci.& Tech. DSc 1987. Experience: 25 yrs' res.& teaching, 23 yrs' consult. to num. govtl agencies & industry; 14 yrs' admin.as Chairman, Bd of Studies in Ecol.and Memb.of Academic Council, Pondicherry U.& Pondicherry State Envt Cttee 1991-. Career: Lect.l Sci. Bhopal U. lIT & BITS 1970-9; Head, Water Qual.& Envt Div. Centre for Water Resources (Kozhikode) 1979-87; Vis.Prof. Calif.SU at Sonoma 1985-8; Prof.& Course Dir, Salim Ali Sch.of Ecol.1987-91 and Dir, Centre for Poll. Control & Biowaste Energy 1991-, Pondicherry U.; short-term vis.assignments for lectures, res. & consult. in Japan, Spain, & USA 1983-93. Achievements: conducted first-ever comp.studies on ecol.of man-made lakes, and on envl impact of major water resources projects, in S.India; first-ever exhaustive studies on utilization of aquatic weed Salvinia molesta, now regarded as one of the world's worst weeds; developed a novel hydroponic system for studying impact of water qual.on germination & early growth of angiosperms, a first-ever systems model & allied software package for benefit-cost analysis of high-rate anaerobic biowaste treatment systems, and new economically-viable methods for the recovery of lead from battery scrap and for trace analysis ofheavy-metals in envl matrices; unveiled inadequacy of several existing water qual.standards and worked out rational 'safe concentrations' of several heavy-metals and pesticides for setting new standards; estab.the efficacy of Eucalyptus hybrid (E.globulus x tereticomis) as an ecolly-benign wasteland plant; currently conducting one of the first, and perhaps the most comp., multi-industry EIAs in India; dev.of eight software packages for use in EIA & risk assessment. Memberships: F.IE, F.IPHE, APO. Awards: F'ship APO, F.CSIR 1975-76. Publications: 12 books incl. Envl Impact ofWater Resources Projects 1992, Modelling & Simulation of Biogas Systems Econ.1993, World's Worst Weed - Control & Utilization 1993, Urbanization and its Envl Impacts - A Case Study of a Typical Indian Town 1993, The New Japanese Pesticide CARTAP - as Safe as Claimed? 1993; 180 res.papers; Ed.Bd Intl J.of Energy-Envt-Econ., J. of Industrial Poll. Control, Poll.Res. , J.Mendale. Favours pers.pub.& news media support. Languages: Arabic, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Urdu. Further details may be obtained from var. Who's Whoso Willing to act as consult.etc. Address: Centre for Pollution Control & Biowaste Energy, University Campus, Kalapet, Pondicherry 605 014, Tamil Nadu, India. Tel. (office) 91 41 385567 & 62, (home) 9141385527 & 63; fax 9141385563 & 5.

ABBASPOUR, Professor Dr Madjid. Environmental safety, marine pollution, air pollution in cities, energy policy, renewable energy, solid