Relationships are a fundamental part of the way we live our lives. We use relation-

ships for many different things and their importance to us differs significantly. We

have lifelong relationships to our siblings that might be characterized by a profound

The purpose of this chapter is to:

Understand the assumptions of the relational approach • The brand is perceived as a viable relationship partner and a ‘dyadic’

brand perspective is hence introduced in brand management • a view of the consumer as an existential being

Understand the main theoretical building blocks and how they are

connected • Animism • Human relationships • The brand relationship theory

Provide insights into the variety of methods used to research relationships • Depth interviews and life story method

Understand the managerial implications • The brand has to act as a true friend

Understand the academic implications • A paradigm shift • inspiring new ways in brand management

feeling of sharing the same important values stemming from the same family back-

ground. You might have a best friend from your kindergarten days. But you also have

relationships to fellow students and colleagues knowing that you will only uphold the

majority of these relationships in the period of time where you share the same

working or university sphere. Long or short, deep or shallow – relationships are

instrumental parts of everyone’s lives, structuring meaning and adding life content.