In order to incorporate all these new events it was necessary to change the title to bring the book into the twenty-first century. Like the first edition, the second edition offers the benefits of a cohesive view of world history by four specialists with regional expertise. It also offers the benefit of having received considerable feedback from lecturers and students using the book on their courses. In light of their excellent suggestions we have updated all chapters, reorganized some, and added two new chapters: one on European integration and the other on the global war on terror. We have expanded the material on the Middle East to include a more detailed discussion of the second intifada, the 2006 Lebanon War and post-2000 attempts at resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict. We have also added illustrations to each chapter and included additional web links to primary resource sites which students can link to from the support website at www. routledge.com/textbooks/9780415438964.