One of the central principles of facilitating PBLonline is that until we understand our own pedagogical stance if is difficult to operate effectively as a PBLonline facilitator. Thus until we understand our own views about teaching, our ideas about collaboration in online spaces and are able to consider the issues of student responsibility, it is difficult to locate ourselves in these complex spaces. How facilitators position themselves is relational and can be affected by a number of factors; it changes over both time and in relation to the problem-based teams that are being facilitated. Some of the more negative possibilities that staff experience are delineated below (for exemplars of this see Lycke et al., 2006). For instance, it is worth considering whether you or a member of your team is feeling:

1 Displaced, no longer strongly located in one discipline and having to work inside and outside their area of expertise, resulting in ambivalence about both their role and its value.