We realised that it was important to develop an approach which was complementary to our own existing values and principles. What it caused us to do midway through our process was to revisit these and fully understand their importance in promoting and developing this pedagogical approach across a whole council area. Our challenges would have been even greater if we had to negotiate a new set of values and principles and, at the same time, adopt a new approach to children’s learning as well. Our existing values and principles gave us a sound foundation on which to build the documentation approach to early learning. It is also clear to us now, despite real doubts that we have had from time to time, that to pilot this approach with just five nurseries in the beginning on a trial-and-error basis was probably an important decision since we were all in at the deep end and had to support each other’s understandings as we went along. Interestingly, we have since learned that these nurseries did not quite believe that those of us who were leading on this approach were learning alongside them, even though we had shared this with them. We think they probably felt reassured by disbelieving us at this point!