Luce Irigaray was born in 1930 and has French nationality. Growing up in

Belgium to parents with Belgian, Italian and French ancestry, Irigaray’s

academic training began in Louvain, Belgium, where she studied for a degree

and then completed a doctorate in French and Philosophy in 1955. After

teaching in secondary education for a number of years she took a second

degree in psychology and a Diploma in psychopathology at the Sorbonne

in Paris. Also during this period she trained as a psychoanalyst and

attended Jacques Lacan’s seminars on psychoanalysis. Then, from 1964, she

worked as a researcher at the National Centre for Scientific Research, later

becoming a research director at the Centre in 1986. Between 1970 and 1974

she taught at the University of Vincennes, and was a member of the Ecole

Freudienne de Paris. In 1973 she submitted two further doctorates, one on

poetics and psychopathologies, and Speculum de l’autre femme, which was

rejected by the University and resulted in her leaving her teaching position.