Until very recently, the mention of the word ‘cyber-bullying’ conjured images in people’s minds of a computer game with ‘Star Wars-type’ characters engaging in battle. It was difficult to convince people that this topic would attract much global attention and soon arrive at the forefront of public policy debates in education and parenting. That time has come. The issue of cyberbullying often tops the agendas of government officials, educators, parents, civil libertarians and legal practitioners. The rapid advancement of cellular phones and Internet technologies has opened up new and infinite spaces that young people can explore with fewer restrictions. If we are to believe the above media headlines, ironically, the issue of cyber-bullying has become a battle of sorts in cyberspace. It appears that students, civil liberties advocates and some parents defend student rights to free expression in cyberspace, whereas educators, teachers’ unions, other parents and government officials want to restrict them.