Jason and Jack are playing in the nursery garden. Jason runs up to Jack. Jack says, ‘You’re the monster.’ Jason runs away and says, ‘I’m not the monster, I’m not.’ They enter the willow tunnel and sit on the tree stumps. Jason asks, ‘How shall we get out?’ and squeezes through a gap in the willow tunnel. Jack suggests, ‘Let’s go to the park.’ Jason responds, ‘This one here,’ and points to the climbing pod. As they pass the sand pit Sophie offers Jason some sand cake. He says, ‘No thank you.’ Jason and Jack run off to the climbing pod. They follow each other along the climbing ropes. Jason looks at a loose tree stump and says, ‘Me need this,’ and attempts to move it. Jack helps him and then tries to move an even bigger tree stump. He says, ‘I can’t move it. Can you help?’ Jason responds, ‘No, it’s too big for me.’ They both return to the sand pit and observe the other children making sand cakes. Jason goes off to the resource shelf and returns with a large bucket and a plastic scoop. He fills the bucket with sand, using two hands to lift each full scoop. Jason asks, ‘Where’s some water for me?’ Jack replies, ‘There’s a bucket.’ Jason picks up the bucket of sand and struggles to carry it to the bucket of water.