In Table 3.1 we show the six chapters being dealt with by the Commission under the heading ‘A functioning market economy’. In the following section we will further analyse each of these chapters:

economic policy essentials; • macroeconomic stability; • free interplay of market forces; • free market entry and exit; • adequate legal system; • sufciently developed nancial sector. •

It is not always easy to nd a trend with respect to the criterion ‘Economic Policy Essentials’ from the different Commission Progress Reports. We will discuss the item ‘macroeconomic stability’ in the next section, but rst it is important to measure the results of the ‘steady reform course’ of the Turkish government. We have, therefore, looked for key indicators that could be compared with the rest of the EU. We decided to use the following indicators to typify the Turkish economic and social situation: GDP per capita, human development, income inequality and global competitiveness.