The concept of Bildung has, in recent years, become influential in English-speaking Philosophy of Education. Bildung is an educational concept central to the educational outlook of German-speaking countries. It differs in very significant ways from the English notion of liberal education, while retaining close links with aspects of it (Hintz et al. 1995). It is useful to start by contrasting academic liberal education with

character development, which are recognised as two aspects of liberal education in the broader sense. Bildung involves both more traditional instructional pedagogical activities (Unterricht) and upbringing and character development (Erziehung). The academic side of Bildung, which involves a broad educational experience, is known as Allgemeinbildung. The tradition of Bildung outlined by Wilhelm von Humboldt at the end of the eighteenth century, however, involves far more than this (Benner 2003). Humboldt’s conception of Bildung attempts to encompass the


1 Preparation for economic participation in society at a level appropriate to one’s ability and social rank. This requires knowledge and skill for vocational purposes.