All secondary schools in England have been made aware of the priority the current government is giving to the issue of supporting literacy within Key Stage 3 and as the preceding chapters have shown these issues are being addressed at LEA, school and departmental level. Some schools will already have well developed action plans and policy statements but the current expectations are that all schools should be involved. The final overhead transparency of the two-day literacy conferences in the Summer term of 1999 listed the following post conference expectations for all schools:

Delegates should report back to staff and governors at the earliest opportunity on issues arising from the conferences and their implications for the school.

A properly representative literacy management group should review the school’s position regarding literacy and formulate proposals for action where this is needed.

The school should aim to set aside at least one closure day in 1999/2000 for staff training to support the school’s literacy initiative.

The school should be in a position to explain its policy regarding literacy provision in the event of a LEA review or OFSTED inspection.

LEA staff will discuss with schools how it intends to support literacy development at Key Stage 3, within the terms of its educational development plan.

(OHT 12, LEA conference file, DfEE 1999b)