New Order policies and the transformations in women’s work The economy is an important site of gender inequality, whether in regard to the gender order of enterprises, including the sexual division of labour in tasks, or the separation between the world of work and domestic relations that is characteristic of modern/capitalist societies. Pembangunan, or economic development based on capital investment, was the signature of the New Order, entailing close links to global capital. This chapter investigates the unintended consequences for the gender regime in Indonesia consequent on integration into the global economy: changes at odds with the ideological project of the gender regime promoted through ‘State Ibuism’. Shifts in gender regimes associated with production are linked with changes in the gender arrangements of households and idealized notions of femininity and masculinity. Gender-specific issues in workplaces have led to demands on the state to defend the interests of women workers as well as protecting them within the family, for example through marriage law reform.