Introduction The business administration literature accords great importance to the study of the relation between organisational size and performance (Gooding and Wagner, 1985; Szymanski, Bharadwaj and varadarajan, 1993). Certain theoretical approaches, such as firm theory, industrial organisation and the contingent approach, have established the importance of organisational size. Nevertheless, the researcher’s theoretical background influences how the relation between size and performance is estimated. Results from a meta-analytical review of the relation between these variables, undertaken by Camisón (2001) revealed a positive, though not very high (0.155), correlation between the two. However, the relation may be affected by other methodological or theoretical factors. The measurement of variables and certain sample characteristics are included in the methodological factors. With regard to the theoretical factors, results showed the influence of variables relative to the firm’s portfolio of resources and capabilities. The study of the influence of this kind of variable in the relation between size and performance could represent a fundamental point in the analysis of competitiveness in small and medium enterprises (SMEs).