In the preceding three chapters we have outlined how and why we think narrative is important as a research method and described the origins and theoretical underpinnings of narrative. This chapter presents stories of actual research or teaching in which narrative has been utilised. These stories ilOXVWUDWHYDULRXVXVHVRIQDUUDWLYHLQDUDQJHRI¿HOGVQDPHO\OHJDOHGXFDWLRQ medical education, neurology, adult education, primary education, theology, social history and tertiary education. The stories are presented in the form RIFDVHVWXGLHV:H¿UVWRXWOLQHWKHGLVFLSOLQHDQGFRQWH[WLQZKLFKQDUUDWLYH has been used, and then give samples of the individual stories. We start with a case study from our own teaching programme in a faculty of law (Story LQZKLFKQDUUDWLYHLVHPSOR\HGDVDPHDQVRIUHÀHFWLRQE\SURJUDPPH participants on their professional practice, and also as a form of evaluation of the programme.