The early years of UNCTAD’s existence can be seen to be the heydays

of the organization. It was during this period, roughly from the foun-

dation of the body until the early 1980s, that UNCTAD emerged as a

vigorous champion of the developing world and one that was relatively

successful in advancing some quite important demands within multi-

lateral fora. Indeed, the promotion of the New International Economic

Order, although ultimately failing, staked out much of the intellectual

debate within the global political economy throughout the 1970s. Thus an account of the history of UNCTAD during this period allows the

reader to gain an insight into not only the past activities of the organi-

zation, but also how and why the heady days of the NIEO and UNCTAD

as a ‘‘vanguard’’ body, were only momentary. This is important if one

wishes to understand UNCTAD’s current status and role.