Rapid changes in the global economy and in the local markets increase the market dynamics and challenge industrial companies to respond faster. Agility – an important trend in contemporary business – refers to the ability of a company to respond quickly to unpredictable and turbulent demand patterns and to produce short series of products with a growing number of grades. In addition

tion, companies also improve their competitive position by more efficient and effective production. The latter is not only a matter of technology but also involves the organization and management of production activities. The interactions between the technical and organizational aspects of manufacturing operations need to be recognized in an effective efficiency-improvement strategy. Agility, a strategy maintaining a flexible production system, could be an important

Zofia Verwater-Lukszo


2005). The flexible batch-wise mode of operation is recommended for situations, in which companies have to adapt their production by manufacturing new grades or completely new products using new raw materials and new procedures.