This chapter explains a computer-based method and developed tool to assist site managers in the assignment and identification of workspace conflicts. It focuses on the concept of ‘visualising space competition’ between the construction activities. The emerging technique of 4D visualisation has been chosen to yield an interesting 4D space planning and visualisation tool. The chapter aims to evaluate the Patterns Execution and Critical Analysis of Sitespace Organisation (PECASO) approach in order to minimise the workspace congestions, using a real case study. It explores that the PECASO approach reduces the number of competing workspaces and the conflicting volumes between occupied workspace, which in turn produces better assessment to the execution strategy for a given project schedule. M. Sirajuddin Abdullah and W. Thabet & Beliveau, propose that construction workspace is a combination of resource gangs, including their equipment and tools. The result is a dynamic representation of the construction workspace that accommodates the construction method for the activities.