Amputee football involves players who have classes A2/A4 and A6/A8 amputation. An A2 amputation is above the knee (see Figure 1.1), and A4 is below the knee of one leg. Conversely, A6 denotes that one arm is amputated above or through the elbow joint, and an A8 indicates one arm amputated below the elbow, but through or above the wrist joint. The A2 and A4 classes make up the outfield players and A6/A8 amputees can only play in goal. During match-play the wearing of a prosthetic device is not permitted and all outfield players must use crutches. Furthermore, the game includes ‘Les Autres players’; these are players with congenital limb impairments to either a single leg or arm (Figure 1.2). To ensure equality between various types of disability, both outfield players and goalkeepers are not permitted to control or touch the ball with the residual limbs. In addition, crutches may not be used to advance the ball. Blocking, trapping, or touching the ball with a crutch, and any intentional contact between non-playing limb and ball, are considered the same as a “handball” in able-bodied football (Wilson, 2001).