By any measure of information technology (IT) development, Singapore is a success – and way ahead of many of its Asian neighbors. Singapore is among the world’s fifteen leading information societies (World Times, 2002), and more than half of its workforce is engaged in informationrelated professions (Low and Kuo, 1999). The Singapore government – motivated to build a nation and to attain a competitive economy – has put forth several plans since the 1980s to make IT omnipresent at every sector and level of society. Major plans include the Civil Service Computerization Program (1981), the National IT Plan (1986), the A Vision of an Intelligent Island (1992), and Masterplan for IT in Education (1997). Children, heirs to the country and members of the future workforce, are certainly part of the scheme. The 1997 Masterplan for IT in Education, which demands curricula to include 30 percent IT skills and computer training for teachers, has ushered the schools along the information superhighway. More recently, the 2002 Masterplan II for IT in Education continues to promote IT actively in schools.