Syn: Acanthocephalus sinensis Pseudoacanthocephalus bufonis Status: 1. A single human infection on record, in 1954 Dist: OR-Java Hab: Small intestine Hosts: 2. Amphibia Bufo spp. 1. Trans: Ingestion of larva in intermediate or paratenic host Zoo stat: 1 Schmidt 1971; Coombs and Crompton 1991

Acanthocephalus rauschi

Status: 1. A single human infection on record to 1984 Dist: NEA-USA: Alaska Hab: Peritoneal cavity Hosts: 2. Unknown, perhaps marine fish 1P. Unknown 1. Unknown Trans: Ingestion of larva in intermediate or paratenic host Zoo stat: 1 Beaver et al. 1984; Coombs and Crompton 1991

Bolbosoma sp.