Diphyllobothrium cameroni

‘cordatum’ group Status: 1. First human record in 1981 Dist: PAL-Japan Hab: Adult in small intestine Hosts: 3. Seals 2. Marine fish 1. (Copepod) Trans: (Ingestion of plerocercoid in fish flesh) Zoo stat: 2 Andersen et al. 1987; Coombs and Crompton 1991

Diphyllobothrium cordatum

Status: 1. Dist: NEA-Alaska Hab: Adult in small intestine Hosts: 3. Seals and toothed whales, mainly the former 2. Marine fish 1. Trans: (Ingestion of plerocercoid in fish flesh) Zoo stat: 2 Andersen et al. 1987; Coombs and Crompton 1991

Diphyllobothrium dalliae

Status: 2. A common parasite of man in western Alaska Dist: NEA Hab: Adult in small intestine Hosts: 3. Dog, Arctic fox, birds: Laridae 2. Freshwater fish 1. Trans: (Ingestion of plerocercoid in fish flesh) Zoo stat: 2 Rausch and Hilliard 1970; Coombs and Crompton 1991

Diphyllobothrium dendriticum

Syn: Diphyllobothrium giljacicum? Diphyllobothrium minus Diphyllobothrium nenzi Diphyllobothrium skrjabini? Diphyllobothrium ursi pro parte Diphyllobothrium tungussicum Status: 1. Dist: PAL; NEA Hab: Adult in small intestine Hosts: 3. Main hosts are birds: Laridae; also piscivorous mammals 2. Freshwater fish 1. Copepods Trans: (Ingestion of plerocercoid in fish flesh) Zoo stat: 2 Andersen et al. 1987; Coombs and Crompton 1991; Lloyd 1998a

Diphyllobothrium elegans

Status: 1. Dist: PAL-Japan Hab: Adult in small intestine Hosts: 3. Seals 2. Marine fish 1. Trans: (Ingestion of plerocercoid in fish flesh) Zoo stat: 2

Andersen et al. 1987; Coombs and Crompton 1991

Diphyllobothrium hians

‘cordatum’ group Status: 1. First human record in 1988 Dist: PAL Hab: Adult in small intestine Hosts: 3. Seals 2. Marine fish 1. Trans: Zoo stat: 2 Andersen et al. 1987; Coombs and Crompton 1991

Diphyllobothrium klebanovskii

Status: 2. Prevalence up to 4% Dist: PAL Hab: Adult in small intestine Hosts: 3. Main host is brown bear 2. Anadromous fish 1. Trans: Zoo stat: 2 Andersen et al. 1987; Coombs and Crompton 1991; Lloyd 1998a

Diphyllobothrium lanceolatum

‘cordatum’ group Status: 1. Dist: NEA Hab: Hosts: 3. Seals, dog 2. Marine fish 1. Trans: Zoo stat: 2 Andersen et al. 1987; Coombs and Crompton 1991

Diphyllobothrium latum

Status: 3. Was once abundant in much of Europe, now much less so Dist: PAL; NEA Hab: Adult in small intestine Hosts: 3. Seals, dogs, bears 2. Freshwater fish 1. Copepods Trans: Ingestion of plerocercoid in fish flesh Zoo stat: 3 Andersen et al. 1987; Coombs and Crompton 1991

Diphyllobothrium nihonkaiense

Status: 1. Dist: PAL-Japan Hab: Adult in small intestine Hosts: 3. Only known from man 2. Anadromous fish 1. Trans: Zoo stat: 2 Andersen et al. 1987; Coombs and Crompton 1991

Diphyllobothrium orcini

Status: 1. Dist: Hab: Hosts: Trans: Zoo stat: 2 Andreassen 1998; Lloyd 1998a

Diphyllobothrium pacificum

‘elegans’ group Status: 2. The 335 cases reported in Peru between 1966 and 1986 were almost certainly infected with this species Dist: PAL; NEO-Pacific rim

Hab: Adult in small intestine Hosts: 3. Eared seals 2. Marine fish 1. Trans: Zoo stat: 2 Lumbreras-Cruz et al. 1986; Andersen et al. 1987; Coombs and Crompton 1991

Diphyllobothrium scoticum

Status: 1. First human record in 1988 Dist: PAL-Japan Hab: Adult in small intestine Hosts: 3. Leopard seal, sea lion (but these are not PAL!) 2. 1. Trans: Zoo stat: 2 Coombs and Crompton 1991

Diphyllobothrium stemmacephalum

Syn: Diphyllobothrium yonagoensis Status: 1. Dist: Hab: Adult in small intestine Hosts: 3. Cetaceans 2. Marine fish 1. Trans: Zoo stat: 2 Andersen et al. 1987; Coombs and Crompton 1991

Diplogonoporus brauni

Status: 1. Two human cases Dist: PAL-Romania Hab: Adult in small intestine Hosts: 3. Probably piscivorous bird

2. 1. Trans: Zoo stat: 2 Beaver et al. 1984; Coombs and Crompton 1991

Diplogonoporus fukuokaensis

Status: 1. First human case in 1970 Dist: PAL-Japan Hab: Adult in small intestine Hosts: 3. 2. 1. Trans: Zoo stat: 2 Coombs and Crompton 1991

Diplogonoporus grandis

Syn: Diplogonoporus balaenopterae Status: 2. Well known as a human parasite in Japan:>200 cases recorded Dist: PAL-Japan, Korea Hab: Adult in small intestine Hosts: 3. Dog, whales: Balaenoptera spp. 2. Marine fish 1. Copepods Trans: (Ingestion of plerocercoid in fish) Zoo stat: 2 Beaver et al. 1984; Coombs and Crompton 1991; Kino et al. 2002

Ligula intestinalis

Status: 1. Dist: PAL-Poland, Romania Hab: Adult in small intestine Hosts: 3. Piscivorous birds 2. Freshwater fish: Cyprinidae 1. Copepods: Cyclops, Diaptomus, Mesocyclops spp.