Some adults have learning disabilities, which can lead to vulnerability and a need for protection. However, by no means does having a learning disability mean that a person is more likely to require adult protection services. This can present challenges to social work practitioners and policy-makers which can be highlighted further when (developing) services for people with learning disabilities are linked to concerns about risk, vulnerability and protection. Since the publication of the CSCI and Healthcare Commission report into learning disability services in Cornwall in July 2006 (CSCI and Healthcare Commission, 2006) and in Sutton and Merton in 2007 (Healthcare Commission, 2007), and the subsequent questions asked in Parliament, the abuse of

By the end of this chapter you should:

be able to describe social policy issues in respect of people with learning disabilities and protection

understand how abuse may be experienced by people with learning disabilities

be able to consider the social and family perspectives in which abuse and protection are experienced

be able to detail a number of ways of working with people with learning disabilities where abuse and protection are issues.