The production of ATP plays an important role for the biosynthesis of endogenous compounds, transport processes, generation of kinetic energy, and other functions,

15.1. Mitochondrial targets and xenobiotic-induced bioenergy crisis

Contents 15.1. Mitochondrial targets and xenobiotic-induced bioenergy

crisis 15.2. Protonophoretic and uncoupling activity of xenobiotics 15.3. Inhibition of NADH production 15.4. Inhibition of the electron transport chain and increased gen-

eration of ROS 15.5. Opening of the mitochondrial membrane permeability

transition pore (MPTP)

and the maintenance of adequate ATP levels is crucial for most cells. Because energy production, i.e. the ATP synthetase-mediated synthesis of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate (Pi), is the ultimate step in a complex reaction network, any process that disturbs or blocks this reaction network will ultimately result in an inhibition of ATP synthesis, which is the common endpoint of toxicity.