Our discussion changes course at this point, turning from ethics to politics. What we want to explore in this chapter is the idea that preschools (and, by implication, schools and other institutions for children) could contribute to a process of re-politicisation, contributing to the opening up to politics of large areas of life through making them subject to contestation. So as well as ‘loci of ethical practice’, preschools might also be ‘loci of democratic practice’: these are both possibilities, both choices that can be made. In the next chapter, we offer some examples of ‘minor politics’ taking place in and around preschools. But in this chapter, we explore the concept in more detail, including its main features – what it might look like. We suggest two areas in which preschools might have a clear political role: bringing critical thinking to bear on practice and confronting injustice, or at least certain forms of injustice since the concept is broad including a variety of possible dimensions.