A GENDER RULES 102 Non-neuter by meaning 103 Non-neuter by form 104 Neuter by meaning 105 Neuter by form

B MISCELLANEOUS POINTS OF GENDER 106 Masculine and feminine 107 Particularly difficult suffixes 108 Nouns with uncertain gender 109 Gender of proper nouns 110 Gender of abbreviations and foreign loans

C PLURAL NOUN FORMS-THE DECLENSIONS 111 Introduction 112 The first declension: plurals in -or 113 The second declension: plurals in -ar 114 The third declension: plurals in -er 115 The fourth declension: plurals in -r 116 The fifth declension: plurals in -n 117The sixth declension: zero plurals 118 The seventh declension: plurals in -s 119 Nouns-plural indefinite forms: predictability

D MISCELLANEOUS POINTS ON INDEFINITE PLURAL FORMS 120 Types of noun with no plural form 121 Nouns with special collective forms 122 Nouns with no singular form 123 Nouns-plural indefinite forms: summary

E SPECIAL USES OF THE SINGULAR AND PLURAL 124 Nouns which are singular in English but plural in Swedish 125 Nouns which are singular in Swedish but plural in English 126 Singular for the quantity expressed 127 Plural for the measure of quantity

101 Introduction

(a) Different types of noun are: (i) Proper nouns:

Gustav; Malmö; Sverige Sweden; IKEA

(ii) Common nouns:

Concrete: katt cat; stol chair; hus house; flicka girl Abstract: glädje joy; sjukdom illness; begåvning intelligence; mjukhet softness

(b) Nouns may also be classified as: (i) Count nouns, i.e. concrete things and creatures: bulle bun; träd tree; student student. Some abstracts are count nouns: skratt laugh; färg colour.