Son of Ormenus and king of Ormenium near Mount Pelion in Thessaly, or of Eleum in Boeotia. He married Cleobule, and they had a son, Phoenix, and a daughter, Astydamia or Deidamia. Phoenix quarrelled with his father Amyntor, who was keeping a mistress: his neglected wife Cleobule persuaded Phoenix to try to turn the heart of this mistress against Amyntor, and Phoenix consequently spent a night with the woman. Amyntor learnt of it and cursed Phoenix, praying to the Furies to prevent him from ever having children; and his prayer was fulfilled. Phoenix wanted to kill his father but decided to leave the country instead. Another tradition states that the concubine falsely accused Phoenix of having dealings with her though he was innocent; Amyntor believed her and blinded his son, who was cured of his blindness by Chiron.