At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:

• draw a switching circuit and truth table for a two-input and three-input or-function and state its Boolean expression

• draw a switching circuit and truth table for a two-input and three-input and-function and state its Boolean expression

• produce the truth table for a two-input not-function and state its Boolean expression • simplify Boolean expressions using the laws and rules of Boolean algebra • simplify Boolean expressions using de Morgan’s laws • simplify Boolean expressions using Karnaugh maps • draw a circuit diagram symbol and truth table for a three-input and-gate and state its Boolean expression • draw a circuit diagram symbol and truth table for a three-input or-gate and state its Boolean expression • draw a circuit diagram symbol and truth table for a three-input invert (or not)-gate and state its Boolean

expression • draw a circuit diagram symbol and truth table for a three-input nand-gate and state its Boolean expression • draw a circuit diagram symbol and truth table for a three-input nor-gate and state its Boolean expression • devise logic systems for particular Boolean expressions • use universal gates to devise logic circuits for particular Boolean expressions

A two-state device is one whose basic elements can only have one of two conditions. Thus, two-way switches, which can either be on or off, and the binary numbering system, having the digits 0 and 1 only, are two-state devices. In Boolean∗ algebra, if A represents one state, then A, called ‘not-A’, represents the second state.