At the end of this chapter, you should be able to:

• appreciate the use of polar curves • plot polar curves of the form r = a sin θ , r = a sin nθ , r = a sin2 θ , r = a cos2 θ and r = aθ • plot polar graphs of the form r = a(1 + cos θ) and r = a + b cos θ

With Cartesian co-ordinates the equation of a curve is expressed as a general relationship between x and y, i.e. y = f (x). Similarly, with polar co-ordinates, the equation of a curve is expressed in the form r = f(θ). When a graph of r = f (θ) is required, a table of values needs to be drawn up and the co-ordinates (r,θ) plotted. Polar curves are demonstrated in the following worked problems.