Analysis (landscape) The process of breaking the landscape down into its component parts to understand how it is made up. Assessment (landscape) An umbrella term for description, classification and analysis of landscape. Biodiversity The concept of variety in all species of plants and animals through which nature finds its balance. Classification A process of sorting the landscape into different types using selected criteria but without attaching relative values to the different kinds of landscape. Compensation The measures taken to offset or compensate for residual adverse effects that cannot be mitigated, or for which mitigation cannot entirely eliminate adverse effects. Constraints map Map showing the location of important resources and receptors that may form constraints to development. Countryside The rural environment and its associated communities (including the coast). Cumulative effects The summation of effects that result from changes caused by a development in conjunction with other past, present or reasonably foreseeable actions. Diversity Where a variety of qualities or characteristics occurs. ‘Do nothing’ situation Continued change/evolution of landscape or of the environment in the absence of the proposed development. Element A component part of the landscape (for example, roads, hedges, woods). Enhancement Landscape improvement through restoration, reconstruction or creation. Environment Our physical surroundings including air, water and land. Environmental appraisal A generic term for the evaluation of the environmental implications of proposals (used by the UK Government in respect of policies and plans). Environmental fit The relationship of a development to identified environmental opportunities and constraints in its setting. Environmental Impact Assessment The evaluation of the effects on the environment of particular development proposals. Field pattern The pattern of hedges and walls that define fields in farmed landscapes. Geographical Information System Computerised database of geographical information that can easily be updated and manipulated. Heritage Historic or cultural associations. Indirect impacts Impacts on the environment, which are not a direct result of the development but are often produced away from it or as a result of a complex pathway. Sometimes referred to as secondary impacts.