In the previous two chapters I focused on conventional organizations (Chapter 4) and social mission companies (Chapter 5). In both cases I was looking at situations where organizations were involved in green marketing programmes where they worked largely independently from other organizations. In this chapter, however, I shall explore a very different approach to green marketing: collaboration between businesses (both conventional and social mission) and non-governmental organizations (‘NGOs’ or ‘pressure groups’). Collaborations of this kind – or ‘green alliances’ as they are sometimes known in relation to environmental projects (e.g. Mendleson and Polonsky 1995; Hartman and Stafford 1997) – were introduced in Chapter 3. Basically they represent a situation where one or more business organizations and one or more NGOs both commit resources to a single project in order to achieve a common goal. Findings from one such collaboration are reported here, referred to in the text as CollabOrg.