PRELUDE: PEACE IN EUROPE 1 Eric Newby, The Big Red Train Ride, Penguin, London, 1980, p. 88. I am indebted

to my friend Brian Innes, creator of the group The Temperance Seven, for this reference.

2 Quoted in Raymond Seitz, Over Here, Phoenix, London, 1998, p. 118. Ambassador Seitz also quotes (p. 55) the reply which Jim Baker of Texas made before he became Secretary of State to the question of whether he had ever visited a Communist country: ‘No, but I’ve been to Massachusetts.’ However, as President Reagan’s behaviour showed in the 1980s, the undoubted differences between East Coast liberals and politicians from California do not prevent the latter from defending the more outspokenly European values of the former. See Chapter 3, pp. 63-65, below.