This chapter is sub-divided into three parts. Each section provides ideas based on successful good practice to prevent and overcome non-attendance. The first part focuses on improving school attendance through a school-based review process, and the second part on the use of school and/or pupil surveys. While information provided from national data is helpful, research shows that each school is unique. Too often teachers are caught out by failing to understand why pupils play truant from their school. Research indicates that even schools in homogeneous regions can vary considerably not only in their rates of attendance but also on the reasons why pupils miss school. In one school, for example, it may be bullying which is the major cause; in another it could be poor teacher-pupil relationships. This second section provides a rationale for using questionnaire or survey approaches, then goes on to provide evidence on how this approach has been used successfully within schools. Finally, a sample questionnaire is provided which can be made more or less simpledependening on its purpose. Alternatively, it can be shortened or lengthened dependent upon need and target group.