Area of artificial intelligence in which formal methods of representation and processing of knowledge-in particular everyday knowledge ( commonsense reasoning), suitable for computer processing-are developed. For example, everyday knowledge may be employed to support inferences needed in language processing. Within artificial intelligence, knowledge representation and meaning representations are usually realized within the same descriptive system. ( also default reasoning, frame, non-monotonic logic, script, semantic network)


Cercone, N. and G.McCalla (eds) 1987. The knowledge frontier. New York. Mylopoulos, J. and H.J.Levesque. 1984. An overview of knowledge representation. In M.L.Brodie,

J.Mylopulos, and J.W.Schmidt (eds), On conceptual modelling. New York. artificial intelligence, machine-aided translation

1 The common trade language of classical Greece. Developed from the dialect of Athens, it lost its specifically Attic features and consequently its strictly local flavor. Through this process, koiné became the accepted panregional variety, with various dialectal differences, in the other Greek city-states from about the fourth century BC on.