Phonetic study of the processes and conditions of speech perception ( acoustic phonetics, motor theory of speech perception).


Pisoni, D. and P.A.Luce. 1986. Speech perception: research, theory and the principal issues. In E. Schwab and H.Nusbaum (eds), Pattern recognition by humans and machines. Orlando, FL. Vol. 1, 1-50. phonetics

A term from X-bar theory which expresses the agreement of the morphosyntactic or semantic features of a phrase with the corresponding features of its lexical head. For example, in the phrase the delicious cream doughnuts, the feature [+plural] percolates or ‘drips down’ from the NP-node through the non-maximal projection of N, delicious cream doughnuts, and on to the lexical head, doughnuts, where it is realized phonologically as the inflected form, i.e. by -s. Many different formal mechanisms have been suggested for the percolation of individual features, cf. Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar, Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar.